Affordable Professional Resume Writing Services | Platinum Resumes |

Amp Up Your Job Search by Hiring a Resume Writer

Professional resume writer… did you know there was such a thing? Many who are out scouring the job market, failing to get noticed by any reputable company, do not realize what tools are within their reach. There are resources out there that put their life’s work into helping those, such as yourself, to find and secure the job of their dreams!


Platinum Resumes is one of those resources. Our work is to help you find work! And, our goal is not just to help someone to find a mediocre job that will be miserably tolerated for a short while but, rather, to build a successful career. Our clients are looking to gain favor in the eyes of hiring managers and recruiters around the globe, in every job category across the board. Whether you are looking to find a job as a teacher, designer, or the next CEO, our team of experts is well qualified in helping you land those interviews that you thought were beyond your realm of possibility.


Our team of Certified Professional Resume Writers, or CPRWs, are a big part of what makes such possibility a reality at Platinum Resumes. Our writers are certified, bringing a higher level of credibility and professionalism to the field of resume writing. Not only are we talented writers with a knack for using the right words, but we are also trained in formatting those words in a way that stands out. The resumes and cover letters that we create for our clients are uniquely designed and meant to attract the eye of potential employers to a much greater degree than the average job candidate.


Our work speaks for itself when you look at the years of experience that we have under our belt and the number of satisfied clients that we have knocking on our door for additional projects. Kansas City has only a handful of CPRWs, and we are proud to have been considered in that few for over five years now. These years of experience give us the confidence to guarantee you that the work we put into your resume will make a staggering difference in your callbacks and interviews. We know that our clients will find their resumes at the top of the stack of consideration rather than in the hiring manager’s trash can. Call us today to get the process started!

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