Affordable Professional Resume Writing Services | Platinum Resumes |

3 Reasons You Should Leave Your Resume to the Experts

2 women discussing their resumes at table with laptop, Platinum Resumes, Kansas City, MO

3 Reasons You Should Leave Your Resume to the Experts

Just like any other service, you are going to get better results and save time and headaches by hiring a professional. Sure, you could try to fix that plumbing issue on your own, or attempt a DIY a home remodel, but unless it’s your skillset, you may end up disappointed with the results and waste precious time, energy, and resources. If you hire a professional, you will end up with a much more satisfactory finished product. In fact, if you hire us at Platinum Resumes, we are so confident in the results that we guarantee your satisfaction.

1. Job Searching is time consuming and stressful enough already.

You have to pick out your outfits, get your suit or dress dry cleaned, get your hair styled, practice interview questions, search and apply for jobs, attend networking events, and so much more. This is all time consuming and exhausting. Cross one thing off your list by hiring a professional to do the heavy lifting for you and provide you with a complete and effective professional profile.

2. A professional resume writer is trained, certified, and up-to date on the latest guidelines.

How far back should your employment history go? Should you include your community service experience? Do you have to include that job you had for less than 6 months just to make ends meet when you were between jobs? What words do applicant tracking system (ATS) search for? Is your format preventing managers from even reading your resume? The rules of resume writing and formatting evolves constantly. If you haven’t been to college for several years, or haven’t ever been formally educated on how to write a resume, you are most likely using outdated or ineffective resume writing strategies.

3. Your experience is unique, and professional resume writers know just how to showcase it.

Do you want to change industries and showcase how your skills are transferrable? Do you have employment gaps, or short term jobs in your employment history? Have you ever been laid off, or let go from a job? A professional resume writer knows how to smooth out a rough work history. A writer can call attention to the right things and downplay any blips. A professional resume writer knows how to give you just the edge you need to get your foot in the door.

Call (816) 986-0909 or e-mail us at today to hire a professional resume writer who is certified, and who guarantees your satisfaction.

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