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Set Monthly Goals for the New Year

The truth is, most New Year’s Resolutions go to the wayside within the first couple months of the year. People get busy. They forget. They decide they want to achieve a different goal instead. They reprioritize. Or maybe they just get lazy. Whatever the reasons may be, New Year’s Resolutions fail more often than not. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one at all. In fact, studies show that people who write down their goals are 10x more likely to accomplish them. So, why not try something different this year? Set an overarching goal for the year and monthly goals to keep you on track… and write them down in your calendar!

For example, your New Year’s Resolution for 2020 may be to save more money. Set a goal for January to reduce unnecessary spending. In February set a goal to find ways to earn more money. In March, maybe your goal is to find a higher interest savings account. In April, you could set a goal to find a cheaper cellphone plan, cable bill, etc.  In May, you could review your 401K and employer benefits. In June, you could set a goal to talk to a financial advisor to develop a savings plan.  In July you could sell unwanted household items.

This kind of goal setting gives you a chance to build good habits over time in order to accomplish your overarching yearly goal successfully. It also allows you to accomplish your goal in small bites, rather than taking on the whole overwhelming challenge at once. You will feel a sense of accomplishment each month when you complete a mini-goal.  You could even give yourself monthly reward to keep yourself motivated if it helps. For more career advice, click here.

VIDEO: Achieve Your Goals in 2020

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