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A Few Considerations for Your Wintertime Interview Attire

As the seasons are changing and colder weather is approaching, you are likely realizing it is that time again. Time to delve into the depths of your closet and bring forward all of your warmer clothes. Although you might be tempted to locate and settle into your favorite sweatshirt for the entirety of winter, that’s probably not your best choice for your next job interview!


There might be some clothing staples like a nice tailored coat or pair of black boots that last you from year to year and need no updating. Or, maybe you’ve gone down a few sizes since last winter and need to refresh your entire professional wardrobe. Either way, there are a few considerations to be made as you prepare your options for job interviews over the coming months.


Know Your Specific Environment


Each office has its own expectations regarding dress code for its employees. You need to do your homework before arriving for your interview by learning the dress code of this particular company. There are so many nerves that go into the whole process of interviewing for a potential job, and you want to tackle all obstacles within your grasp. Knowing what to expect and how to dress your best for appealing to the hiring manager will help set at least some of those nerves at ease.




Choosing which top coat to wear over your interview attire does not to be a last-minute, flippant choice. It is likely the first impression that you are sending to this new company, and you want to appear professional and well put-together. Your coat should fit you well and be in good condition. Even if you have already removed your coat by the time that you meet the management, you are most likely still carrying it with you and any sign of dirt, holes, etc. will be visible.




Particularly at this time of year, consider your mode of transportation when selecting your shoes. If you will be walking through snowy, wet conditions, then consider how that will affect your attire and your shoes. Just as you shouldn’t grab whatever coat is most handy as you’re walking out the door, you should also consider your shoes with care. They should, obviously, pair well with your outfit and appear in good condition, but you must also consider how well you can move around in your shoes. Stay away from that cute pair of shoes that look great but give you blisters or cause you to walk funny.




If you’re concerned that your interview attire is minimal to non-existent for the colder weather, then you should consider a layering approach before feeling the need to buy all new clothing. When on the job search, you are likely operating on a strict budget and having clothing options already at your disposal can be very helpful. You can take that short-sleeved top that you already have and add a sweater or blazer on top of it. Consider what you’ve got to couple together!


Check the weather


The last tip when dressing for a wintertime interview is to check the weather the night before. You may not regularly wear a hat, scarf, or any other outerwear, but you don’t want to show up as a sloppy, wet mess for your big interview. Sometimes grabbing an umbrella will do the trick in protecting you from the elements, but there are some conditions that require more precaution. Waterproof mascara can sometimes be a helpful touch in keeping your appearance together after a long, dreary commute.


For any other questions pertaining to how to best prepare yourself for your important job interview, please contact us at Platinum Resumes. We are experienced in working with individuals, such as yourself, who are navigating the potentially rough waters that a job search can bring, and we will stick with you as you rise above those tough circumstances and find your way. Give us a call today at 816.986.0909 and let’s get your foot in the door of that company that you thought was out of your reach!

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