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Preparing a Medical Resume: Why You Need to be Specific

Medical Stethoscope Resting on Laptop Computer Keyboard.

Whether fresh out of med school, looking for a new nursing job after twenty years of experience, or diving into the medical world from a different career, you can all find yourself in the same boat. Approaching the medical job market is similar to your approach with a computer science or filmography degree. You must handle yourself professionally, write a good resume, dress well for your interview, develop a solid LinkedIn profile, etc.

However, alternatively, the approach to finding a great job in the medical field can be very different from the rest and must be very specifically carried out. The language and terminology of your medical resume should match that of the position for which you are applying. Although you should be authentically you and represent yourself honestly, remember that how you describe your former job experience or highlight your strengths and assets should be understood and applied within a medical setting.

Talent, Ambition and a great Medical Resume

We have years of experience developing job seekers in many fields at Platinum Resumes. We can help you take who you are and where you’ve been and hone all of that talent and ambition in perfecting your resume and interview technique, and we welcome you to call us to get that process started. However, we haven’t taken the time to display our medical research over the years.

Thankfully, we have come across someone who has. Our friend, Audrey Clark, has developed the following infographic, and we hope you find it very helpful as you further prepare yourself for your job in the medical field. Whether your resume needs tweaking or writing a curriculum vitae for the first time, these tips will help you better understand what the hiring management is most interested in seeing.


Infographic created by Carrington College and provided to us by A.C.

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