Have you spent your career only investing in yourself or investing in others? The answer to that question can sometimes become blaringly obvious when it comes to a colleague’s review of your career thus far. When a hiring manager is looking for clues about what you would be like as a potential employee, he or she wants to hear the good and the bad. Not only what sort of record numbers you produced for the company’s sales, but also what you were like around the coffee pot at break time. You see, your job search is only as strong as your weakest reference.

Therefore, when you’re putting together a list of references, you want to include those people that know you best and have had a clear vision of both your strengths and weaknesses. You don’t want to be dishonest and put on the front as though you are perfect. We all have our flaws. However, you want to select references that acknowledge that your strengths far outnumber the weaker areas and that you have seen plenty of growth throughout the years as an employee.

At Platinum Resumes, we recognize the important role that references play in the process of applying for a new job. You can boast a seamless resume and handle the toughest interview questions like a pro, but, if you don’t have anyone who can give a solid backup to the words you have claimed about yourself, then your efforts are in vain. We work with our clients to develop a references dossier that goes above and beyond the typical format. We help you to choose former colleagues and managers who have known you for a length of time and in various capacities.

The goal is for the hiring manager who is reviewing your file to see that you are as perfect of a candidate as you appear to be. Your references need to be able to speak about your talents, skills and abilities, and we will lay all of this info out in such a way that captures the attention of potential employers. Give us a call today at 816.986.0909 to get started in creating a references dossier that will make all the difference!